torsdag 26. mars 2009

Dag 78

Ingvar and Sigve is identical twins, but it is some differense between them. Bouth have the same eye colours, but only Sigve have a brown spot on his left eye, can you see it? (it is not easy to get a good pictur of it... I should have had a macro lense, but I haven't...) Which picture do you think is of Sigve? And which is of Ingvar? (Click on the picture to make it bigger)

lørdag 21. mars 2009

Dag 77

My twins, Sigve in the front, Ingvar in the background.

Dag 76

My orchid is blooming again!

Dag 75

Since we don't can feel any spring in the air outside jet (we have lots and lots of snow here ...) I have to bring it into my house. I love the colors of these tullips.

Dag 74

This is Ingvar, full speed!

Dag 73

A tired dad and three boys wathing telly.

Dag 72

Vemund, my little boy was wearing this pink sweather when I picked him up from kindergarten today. He had no changing clothes left, and this was the only sweather they had to borrow him. I think he was so cute!

Dag 71

From now I will try to translate the journalling on my photos, my English is really bad, so don't laugh!

This picture is of my boy Ingvar, I have made superheroes mantels to them, and they love it!

Dag 70

Dag 69

mandag 9. mars 2009

Dag 68

Dag 67

Dag 66

Dag 65

Nok eit legge bilde, alle gutane har fått dino-pysj.

Dag 64

Dag 63

Søsken erting...

Dag 62

Briotogbana er fast invetar på stovegolvet vårt. Alle tre gutane likar å leike med den, ja det gjer foresten eg og Knut også.

Dag 61

søndag 8. mars 2009

Dag 60

Dag 59

Sigve, nydelige guten vår.

Dag 58

Den skjønne guten vår, Ingvar.